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Terms and Conditions of Purchase

Terms and Conditions of Purchase
General Terms and Conditions of Contract - (January 2023 Version

1. Subject

These General Terms and Conditions of Contract (GTC) govern the remote sale and, where compatible and not otherwise overridden, the non-remote sale of tickets for visits to the Frasassi Caves and for any national and international events of entertainment and/or cultural and sports activities organized by the Grotte di Frasassi. They also govern the contract for the provision of services, necessary and ancillary to the sale of such tickets.

2. Definitions

Alle presenti CGC si applicano le seguenti definizioni, restando inteso che le definizioni al plurale si applicheranno al relativo termine al singolare e viceversa:
APP FrasassiExperiences : refers to the mobile applications associated with the Grotte di Frasassi that allow for the purchase of Admission Tickets.
Consumer Code: refers to Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, no. 206.
Consumer: refers to a natural person Client who acts for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft, or professional activity carried out.
Service Contract: refers to the contract concluded between the Grotte di Frasassi and the Client, which concerns the provision of the Grotte di Frasassi Services, governed by these GTC and the information provided on the Site before the contract is concluded, also pursuant to and for the purposes of Articles 49 et seq. of the Consumer Code.
Sales Contract: refers to the contract concluded, as a result of the Grotte di Frasassi Services, between the Client and the Grotte di Frasassi, which concerns the sale of the Admission Ticket, governed by these GTC and the information provided on the Site before the contract is concluded, also pursuant to and for the purposes of Articles 49 et seq. of the Consumer Code.
Client: refers to the entity that purchases the Admission Ticket from the Grotte di Frasassi remotely—through the Site, the App, or by phone sales, or not remotely, at any Authorized Sales Points.
Contract: refers to both the Grotte di Frasassi Service Contract and the Sales Contract.
Event: the visit to the Grottoes and/or the performance, show, or presentation to which the Admission Ticket Holder has the right to access.
Festival: refers to an Event where multiple artists perform in the same context.
Event Venue: refers to the tour path of the Frasassi Caves and/or the set of buildings and lands that constitute the venues for a specific Event.
Admission Ticket Holder: refers to the person who lawfully holds an Admission Ticket purchased by the Client, in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions of Contract.
Authorized Sales Points: refers to the authorized sales network of the Grotte di Frasassi.
Site: refers to the website, owned and managed by the Grotte di Frasassi.
Grotte di Frasassi: refers to the GROTTE DI FRASASSI SRL, with headquarters at LARGO LEONE XII no. 1 – 60040 Genga, which acts on its own behalf in the context of the Sales Contract and the Service Contract.
Admission Ticket: refers to the document, including digital format, issued by the Grotte di Frasassi that entitles the Admission Ticket Holder to access the Event Venue.
Grotte di Frasassi Services: refers to the services provided by the Grotte di Frasassi related to the Sales Contract for Admission Tickets, including the reservation of the Admission Ticket, its delivery, or other means of making the Admission Ticket available to the Client, as well as additional ancillary services related to the sale of the Admission Ticket, if requested by the Client, but excluding in any case the provision of the performance corresponding to the Event, which is the exclusive competence and responsibility of the Organizer.

3. Scope of Application

3.1 The offer and sale of Admission Tickets and Grotte di Frasassi Services on the Site constitute a distance contract governed by Chapter I, Title III (Articles 45 et seq.) of the Consumer Code and Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, no. 70, containing regulations on electronic commerce.
3.2 These GTC may be amended at any time. Any changes will be effective from the time they are published on the Site in the "Terms and Conditions of Purchase" section, located in the footer of every page of the Site. Users are therefore encouraged to regularly access the Site and review the most up-to-date version of the GTC before making any purchases.
3.3 The applicable GTC are those in force on the date the order for an Admission Ticket is submitted. Before proceeding with the conclusion of the Contract, the user is required to carefully read all the information provided by the Grotte di Frasassi on the Site, both before and during the purchase process, and to review and approve these GTC by selecting the appropriate checkbox provided to the user during the purchase process and before the conclusion of the Contract.
3.4 These GTC do not govern the sale of products and/or services by parties other than the Grotte di Frasassi that may be present on the Site through links, banners, or other hypertext links. Before conducting commercial transactions with such parties, it is necessary to review their terms of sale. The Grotte di Frasassi is not responsible for the provision of services and/or the sale of products by such parties.
The Grotte di Frasassi does not conduct any control and/or monitoring on the websites accessible through such links. Therefore, the Grotte di Frasassi is not responsible for the contents of such websites or for any errors and/or omissions and/or violations of law by them.

4. Purchases on the Site

4.1 The purchase of Admission Tickets on the Site can only be made after registering on the Site as described in Article 5 below and is allowed for users who are Consumers as well as users who are not Consumers. Natural persons are allowed to purchase only if they are 18 years of age or older.
4.2 The Grotte di Frasassi reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders from (i) a user with whom it has an ongoing legal dispute; (ii) a user who has previously violated these GTC and/or the conditions and/or terms of the Contract; (iii) a user who has been involved in fraud of any kind, particularly fraud related to credit card payments; (iv) users who have provided false, invented, fictitious, incomplete, or otherwise inaccurate identification data or data that does not correspond to the truth or pertains to third parties, or who have not promptly sent the Grotte di Frasassi the documents requested as part of the procedure described in Articles 11.1.2 and 11.1.3 below, or who have sent invalid documents; (v) a user who has violated the prohibition set forth in Article 5.2 below.

5. Site Registration

5.1 Registration on the Site is free. To register and create an account, the user must complete the appropriate form, entering the required personal data, as well as an email address and a password, and click the "REGISTER NOW" button. It is strictly forbidden for the user to enter third-party personal data, false, invented, or fictitious data, or in any way incorrect information for the purpose of registering on the Site.
5.2 Each user may only have one registration on the Site. It is therefore strictly forbidden for the user to create multiple accounts on the Site for the same person, whether physical or legal, or for companies or entities of any kind, even using accurate data. In case of violation of this prohibition, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 4.2 above, the Grotte di Frasassi reserves the right to close all accounts related to the same person, physical or legal, or the same company or entity.
The user also agrees to indemnify and hold the Grotte di Frasassi harmless from any damages, compensation obligations, and/or sanctions resulting from or in any way connected to the user’s violation of the prohibition outlined in this Article 5.2.
5.3 Registration on the Site allows the user to perform the following activities through their reserved and personal account:
- verify the status of recent orders and view the archive of all orders made;
- manage and update personal data at any time;
- change their password;
- manage subscriptions to the “Newsletter” and/or “ticket alert” services;
- utilize dedicated services that may be activated by the Grotte di Frasassi from time to time.
5.4 Registration credentials (email address and password) allow the user to make purchases on the Site and perform the activities mentioned in Article 5.3 above. These credentials must be kept with the utmost care and attention. They can only be used by the user and cannot be transferred to third parties. The user agrees to keep them secret and to ensure that no third party has access to them. The user also agrees to immediately notify the Grotte di Frasassi, by contacting the details provided in Article 19 below, in case of suspected or known misuse or unauthorized disclosure of the credentials.
5.5 The user guarantees that the personal data provided to the Grotte di Frasassi during the registration process on the Site or at any other time and/or occasion during their relationship with the Grotte di Frasassi are complete, true, and refer to the user themselves. The user agrees to indemnify and hold the Grotte di Frasassi harmless from any damages, compensation obligations, and/or sanctions resulting from or in any way connected to the user’s violation of this guarantee and/or the rules on Site registration and/or the safekeeping of registration credentials.

6. Information for the Conclusion of the Contract

6.1 In accordance with Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, no. 70, which contains provisions on electronic commerce, the Grotte di Frasassi informs the user that:
1. to conclude the purchase contract for an Admission Ticket on the Site, the user must complete an electronic order form and submit it to the Grotte di Frasassi electronically, following the instructions that will appear on the Site;
2. if provided, the submission of the order form must occur within the maximum time indicated on the Site;
3. the contract is concluded when the order form reaches the server of the Grotte di Frasassi;
4. before transmitting the order form, the user can identify and correct any data entry errors by following the instructions on the Site during the various stages of the purchase;
5. once the order form is recorded, the Grotte di Frasassi will send the Customer, to the email address provided, an order confirmation containing: a summary of the general and particular conditions applicable to the contract, essential information about the purchased Admission Ticket, a detailed indication of the price, the payment method used, delivery charges, any additional costs, the delivery timeframe, and contact information for Customer Service for assistance and/or complaints. The order confirmation email, which includes a link to the GTC, constitutes confirmation of the concluded contract on a durable medium as per Article 51, paragraph 7, of the Consumer Code; the Customer acknowledges and agrees that, upon sending this email, the Grotte di Frasassi has fulfilled its documentation obligations, and the Customer is bound by the Contract and required to pay the Total Amount, regardless of receiving the order confirmation email, which depends on third parties and/or factors beyond the control of the Grotte di Frasassi (e.g., the email provider used by the user).;
6. the order form will be stored in the Grotte di Frasassi's database for the time necessary to execute it and, in any case, within the legal terms. The user can access the order form and/or related data through their personal account.
6.2 The languages available to users for concluding the contract are Italian and English. The Customer Service can communicate with users in the same languages

7. Availability of Admission Tickets

7.1 Regarding the Admission Tickets purchasable through the Site, the Grotte di Frasassi indicates, and the user acknowledges and agrees that, in relation to certain types of Events, such as musical Events:
a) the package of Admission Tickets purchasable through the Site (the so-called allotment) is entirely determined by the Grotte di Frasassi, which establishes the number, price, and type of Admission Tickets to be put on sale on the Site. It also determines whether the number of tickets purchasable by users on the Site through their account is unlimited or if there is a maximum number of tickets purchasable per account, indicating such number if applicable;
b) the allotment may also be recharged considering the further availability of Admission Tickets as determined by the Grotte di Frasassi.
c) the Grotte di Frasassi, at its discretion, may offer a certain number of Admission Tickets for sale to specific predetermined clusters of users (e.g., fan club members, official site members of the artist, holders of a specific credit card) on an early date (e.g., one day before) or even simultaneously with the general public sale date. This may be publicized by the Grotte di Frasassi;
d) Admission Tickets are not purchasable if the category of tickets shows the wording “Not Available” on the "Tickets" page of the Site, which the user accesses after selecting the Event date;
e) Admission Tickets that do not show the wording “Not Available” on the "Tickets" page of the Site can be placed in the cart by clicking the “ADD TO CART” button but can only be purchased if the condition described in paragraph i) below is met;
f) multiple users may attempt to purchase the same category of Admission Tickets for the same Event (“Same Admission Ticket”) simultaneously;
g) clicking the “ADD TO CART” button generates a request to the Grotte di Frasassi server (“Server”);
h) all requests to the Server generated by clicking the “ADD TO CART” button for the Same Admission Ticket are processed chronologically based on the time the request reaches the Server;
i) the purchase of the selected category of Admission Tickets by the user, by clicking the “ADD TO CART” button, can occur only if, at the moment the request generated by clicking this button reaches the Server, the requested category of Admission Tickets is still available, considering the actions taken by other users whose requests for the Same Admission Ticket reached the Server before the user’s request;
j) the fact that a category of Admission Tickets initially displayed as “Not Available” may later appear as available to the user for adding to the cart by clicking the relevant button depends on the actions of users who added the Same Admission Ticket to their cart but did not finalize the purchase (e.g., voluntary cart abandonment, expiration of the maximum time to finalize the purchase during which the ticket is reserved, or unsuccessful transaction). In such cases, the system puts the Admission Ticket back on sale for which the purchase process was not completed, according to the rules outlined above.

8. Information on Admission Tickets

8.1 The categories of Admission Tickets for each Event and/or each Event date are described on the “Tickets” page for each Event. If applicable, seat selection within the desired category can be made either through the "Buy via Best Seat" function or the "Buy via Plan Selection" function. In the first case, the user selects the category and the number of desired seats, and the Server assigns the user the best available seats within the selected category at the time of the request. In the second case, the user views a map of the Event Venue and directly selects the seats indicated as available on the map. The specific Admission Ticket or Tickets that the user places in the cart and potentially purchases by clicking the relevant buttons will be those resulting from the above-described assignment or selection mechanisms. All information about the assigned and/or selected specific Admission Tickets (e.g., section, block, row, seat number) is provided to the user immediately after assignment and/or selection, throughout the purchase process, and particularly in the order summary, as well as, in the event of Contract conclusion, in the order confirmation. The user can modify the assigned or selected seats at any time before the Contract conclusion.

9. Price of Admission Tickets, Service Fees, Additional Charges, Total Amount

9.1 The Price of Admission Tickets, set by the Grotte di Frasassi and inclusive of any presale fees set and applied by the Organizer (“Presale”), is indicated on the Site for each category of Admission Tickets on the “Tickets” page for each Event (“Admission Ticket Price” or “Price”). The Price is also indicated on the Admission Ticket. The user can view the breakdown of the Price by clicking the appropriate link in the "Online Purchase Information" section on the "Tickets" page for each Event after selecting the Event date. The separate indication of the Price and Presale is also present on the page displayed to the user immediately after clicking the “ADD TO CART” button (“Cart”) and in the order confirmation email. The Admission Ticket Price does not include Service Fees and any Additional Charges, as defined in Articles 9.3 and 9.4 below, which are, however, specifically indicated during the purchase process and, particularly, in the order summary displayed to the user before proceeding to the Contract conclusion (“Order Summary”), together with the total amount the user is required to pay for a specific order, which consists of the Admission Ticket Price plus Service Fees and any Additional Charges (“Total Amount”).
9.2 The Admission Ticket Price, set by the Grotte di Frasassi and indicated on the Site for each category of Admission Tickets on the “Tickets” page for each Event. The Grotte di Frasassi reserves the right to modify the Admission Ticket Price at any time, provided that for purchases made through the Site, the price charged to the user will be the one indicated on the Site on the “Tickets” page for each Event and in the Order Summary, regardless of any subsequent changes (either increases or decreases) after the order is transmitted. In particular, any lower price applied by the Grotte di Frasassi to Admission Tickets of the same type or for Events held on a specific date after the user's purchase will not entitle the user to a refund of the difference.
9.3 The Grotte di Frasassi applies service fees on each sales transaction as compensation for the Services provided, at its discretion (“Service Fees”). The Service Fees applicable to each Admission Ticket and/or each order are specifically indicated during the purchase process and, particularly, in the Cart and the Order Summary, along with the Total Amount. In the event of Contract conclusion, they are also indicated in the order confirmation email.
9.4 In addition to the Admission Ticket Price and Service Fees, the following Additional Charges may apply depending on the user's choices: (i) delivery charges for home delivery or "PDF via email" tickets; (ii) gift wrapping charges; and/or (iii) insurance coverage premium. The amount of each Additional Charge, if applicable, is specifically indicated to the user in the Cart and the Order Summary, along with the Total Amount. In the event of Contract conclusion, it is also indicated in the order confirmation email.
9.5 The Price, Presale, Service Fees, and Additional Charges are expressed in Euros and include VAT.

10. Purchase Orders

10.1 The Contract is conditionally resolved upon the non-payment of the Total Amount. In the event that such payment does not occur, the contract will be considered automatically terminated. The user will be immediately notified of this termination and the consequent cancellation of the order through the Site right after the order transmission.
10.2 Ownership of the Admission Tickets will be transferred to the user upon the conclusion of the Contract.
In the case of home delivery and/or pickup at the Event Venue, the risk of loss or damage to the Admission Tickets, not attributable to the Grotte di Frasassi, will be transferred to the user when the user or a third party designated by them, other than the carrier, takes material possession of the Admission Tickets.
10.3 To place an order for an Admission Ticket through the Site, the user must carefully read and approve these GTC by selecting the appropriate box provided during the purchase process.

11. Payment Methods

Payment for Admission Tickets purchased through the Site can be made using the payment methods indicated in the following paragraphs and/or any additional methods that may be indicated on the Site itself. For security reasons, the Grotte di Frasassi reserves the right to apply limitations and exclusions to the payment methods that the Customer can use for payment of the Admission Tickets. Payment methods not available for a specific order and/or a specific Admission Ticket will not be visible and/or selectable by the user during the purchase process. In case of termination of the Sales Contract and in any other case of refund, for any reason, the refund amount will be credited to the same payment method used by the Customer for the initial transaction; if this is not possible, the refund will be made by bank transfer. The Grotte di Frasassi will ask the Customer for the bank details necessary to process the refund.
11.1 Payment by credit card
11.1.1 Payment for Admission Tickets purchased on the Site can be made using credit cards from the VISA, VISA ELECTRON, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, JCB, DINERS, DISCOVER, and POSTEPAY networks.
The accepted credit cards are listed on the left side of the Site's home page and in the "Payment" stage of the purchase process. The Total Amount due from the user to the Grotte di Frasassi is charged at the time of order transmission.
Payments with American Express and Diners Club credit cards are managed through the parent company CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA, Contrescarpe 75 A, D-28195 Bremen, Germany.
Payments with Visa and MasterCard credit cards are managed through the group company CTS EVENTIM Nederland B.V., Postbus 69507, 1060 CN Amsterdam, Netherlands.
11.1.2 To ensure the security of payments made on the Site and to prevent fraud, the Grotte di Frasassi reserves the right to ask the user, via email, to send, using the same method, a copy of their identity card (front and back), and if the order holder is different from the cardholder, the identity card of the latter. The document must be valid. The request email will specify the deadline by which the document must be received by the Grotte di Frasassi. This deadline will not exceed 5 working days from the receipt of the request by the user. While waiting for the requested document, the order will be suspended.
The user is required to send the requested documents within the specified deadline.
11.1.3 If the Grotte di Frasassi does not receive these documents within the specified deadline in the request email, or receives expired or invalid documents, the contract will be automatically terminated pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 1456 of the Civil Code, and the order will consequently be canceled, without prejudice to the right of the Grotte di Frasassi to compensation for any damage that may be incurred due to the user's non-compliant behavior. The contract termination, which the user will be notified of via email, within no more than 5 working days from the deadline for sending the requested documents, will result in the cancellation of the order with a consequent refund of the Total Amount, if paid, by re-crediting the same payment method used. In the case of timely receipt of the valid documentation requested by the Grotte di Frasassi, the delivery terms applicable to the order will run from the date of receipt of such documentation.
11.1.4 The Grotte di Frasassi uses a secure payment service that employs the SSL security protocol. The confidential credit card data (card number, cardholder, expiration date, security code) are encrypted and transmitted to the payment manager. Therefore, the Grotte di Frasassi never has access to and does not store the credit card data used by the user to pay for the Admission Tickets, except for the cardholder's data, limited to the case, as specified in articles 11.1.2 and 11.1.3 above.

12. Methods of Collection and Delivery of Admission Tickets

The delivery of Admission Tickets purchased on the Site can be made, at the user's choice and upon payment of the related costs, if due, using the following methods: (i) delivery through immediate printing of the Admission Ticket ("PDF via email").
12.1 Delivery by "PDF via email"
12.1.1 If the user chooses delivery by "PDF via email", they can immediately print the purchased Admission Tickets using a regular printer, in black and white or color. If the user wishes to use this delivery method, they must follow all the technical specifications indicated on the Site, particularly in the "PDF via email Service" area, accessible from the footer of the Site via the "Frequently Asked Questions" link. The user is reminded that, in any case, to use the "PDF via email" delivery method, they must use a PC with the "Adobe Acrobat Reader" program installed and updated to version 7.0.8 or higher, and any previous versions of the same program must be uninstalled.
12.1.2 The choice of the "PDF via email" delivery method may incur a service fee for the user, the amount of which is indicated in the "Shipping Methods" section of the Cart, as well as in the Order Summary. It does not entitle the user to the issuance of so-called fantickets.
12.1.3 The Customer who, if available, has chosen the "PDF via email" delivery method can print the Admission Tickets immediately after the purchase or later by accessing their account with their credentials and clicking on "View order history."
12.1.4 The access control system will authorize the entry of only one Admission Ticket equivalent to a single barcode. Any photocopies and/or frauds resulting from improper use will be prosecuted according to the law and will not be attributable to the Grotte di Frasassi or the Organizer. The Organizer will not allow access in any case for any duplicated Admission Tickets.

13. Exclusion of the Right of Withdrawal from the Contract

13.1 The Grotte di Frasassi informs the Customer that, since the Contract involves the provision of leisure services that the Grotte di Frasassi undertakes to provide on a specific date, the right of withdrawal provided for in Article 52 of the Consumer Code does not apply to the Contract, pursuant to Article 59, paragraph I, letter n) of the Consumer Code. Therefore, the Customer cannot exercise this right in relation to the purchase of Admission Tickets.

14. Non-conformity of Received Admission Tickets with Purchased Ones

14.1 Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding articles, in all cases of non-conformity of the Admission Tickets with those purchased, the Customer can contact the Grotte di Frasassi at the contact details provided in Article 19 below. The Grotte di Frasassi will respond to the request no later than 15 working days from receipt of the same and, in any case, in time to allow the Customer to attend the Event.

15. Admission Tickets and Events

15.1 All Admission Ticket Holders must have a valid Admission Ticket to access the Event Venue. They are subject to the provisions of these GTC and all other provisions applicable to the Customer as well as the provisions applicable to the Event.
15.2 The Ticket provides access exclusively to the Event for which it was issued, on the specified date and time. Grotte di Frasassi reserves the right to deny access to the Event Venue for any irregularities with the Ticket and to conduct personal checks for security reasons. If it is determined that the Ticket has been stolen, duplicated, or obtained in violation of these Terms and Conditions and/or the law, the Ticket Holder may be denied access to the Event Venue or may be required to leave. Issued Tickets are non-reprintable. If the Ticket is lost, access to the Event Venue will similarly be denied. In any case, Grotte di Frasassi will not replace the Ticket if it is lost, damaged, deteriorated, or destroyed, or if the Ticket has been stolen or is partially illegible as presented by the Customer in an imperfect condition.
15.3 Grotte di Frasassi may, at any time and at its discretion and/or upon request by the authorities responsible for maintaining public order and safety, cancel an issued Ticket or an order for a Ticket already placed, for technical and/or organizational reasons other than those outlined in Article 16 that follows, even if the Event itself is not canceled. In such cases, the Customer will be entitled to a refund of the Total Amount paid, including the Pre-sale, Service Fees, and Additional Charges, but excluding Delivery Costs, if the Ticket has already been dispatched at the time of the order and/or Ticket cancellation.

16. Event Postponed or Canceled

16.1 In the event of a postponement or cancellation of the Event, the Grotte di Frasassi will notify the Customer of the measures taken regarding the refund or replacement of Tickets for the postponed or canceled Event. The Customer is reminded that in the case of a cancellation of the Event, the Grotte di Frasassi reserves the right to retain the Pre-sale fees. While the decision regarding any refund of the Pre-sale fees is at the sole discretion of the Grotte di Frasassi, the Customer acknowledges, including for the purpose of understanding their purchase decision, that any pre-sale fees retained by the Organizer will not exceed 13% of the total price of the Ticket.
16.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous point 16.1, in the event of cancellation or postponement of the Event, the Customer may not request a refund from the Grotte di Frasassi for the Service Fees and/or Home Delivery or "PDF via email" delivery charges and/or the cost of gift packaging and/or any insurance coverage premiums, if incurred, as these amounts compensate for the services already provided by the Grotte di Frasassi.
16.3 In the event of cancellation of the Event, the Grotte di Frasassi will process the refund to the Customer according to the methods and timing decided by the Grotte di Frasassi.
16.4 Tickets for cancelled Events cannot be exchanged for tickets to other Events.
16.5 In the case where the Event consists of a Festival and/or another type of event, the list of participating artists on the Grotte di Frasassi website should be considered as indicative only. Therefore, if one or more of the listed artists do not attend the Event or are replaced, such absence or replacement shall not be considered as a cancellation of the Event, unless the entire Event is cancelled by Grotte di Frasassi.

17. Limitations of Liability and Rights of Grotte di Frasassi.

17.1 Except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, Grotte di Frasassi shall not be held liable for any expenses or damages, whether direct or indirect, of any nature, incurred by the Customer in relation to the sale of Admission Tickets.
17.2 Grotte di Frasassi reserves the right to withdraw, modify, suspend, or interrupt any function or service related to the sale of Admission Tickets, if deemed necessary or appropriate for technical and/or organizational reasons, while ensuring the fulfillment of any contracts already concluded.

18. Prohibitions

18.1 Admission Tickets cannot be resold for profit, even if such activities are conducted professionally and not organized as a business, without the express consent of the Grotte di Frasassi. This applies even if the Grotte di Frasassi specifically prohibits the transfer of ownership based on principles of nominative validity.
18.2 Admission Tickets cannot be used as prizes for competitions or promotional activities, whether or not they fall under the provisions of DPR 430/2001, nor for other prize or promotional initiatives (such as competitions or lotteries), unless prior written authorization is obtained from the Grotte di Frasassi. The Customer agrees not to use the Admission Tickets in violation of this provision and undertakes to indemnify and hold the Grotte di Frasassi harmless from any damages resulting from such violation.

19. Assistance and Complaints

19.1 You can request information, send communications, or submit complaints by contacting the customer service of Grotte di Frasassi:
- through the following email:
- or at the contact details provided, as well as in Section 2 of these General Terms and Conditions, in the "Contacts" section of the Website.
19.2 The Grotte di Frasassi will respond to complaints via email and/or phone within the timeframe specified in Section 14 above.

20. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

20.1 The Contract is governed by Italian law. For Consumer Users who do not have their habitual residence in Italy, the more favorable and mandatory provisions provided by the law of their country of habitual residence shall apply.
20.2 Please note that, in the case of a Consumer User, for any disputes related to the application, execution, and interpretation of these Terms and Conditions or the Contract, the competent court is the one in the place where the user resides or has elected domicile.

21. Alternative Dispute Resolution

21.1 Pursuant to Article 141-sexies, third paragraph, of the Consumer Code, Grotte di Frasassi informs the consumer that if a complaint has been made to Grotte di Frasassi and the dispute has not been resolved, Grotte di Frasassi will provide information regarding the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) bodies for the extrajudicial resolution of disputes related to obligations arising from a contract concluded under these General Terms and Conditions (referred to as ADR Bodies, as indicated in Articles 141-bis et seq. of the Consumer Code). The consumer will be informed about whether Grotte di Frasassi intends to use such bodies to resolve the dispute.
21.2 Grotte di Frasassi also informs the consumer that a European platform for online dispute resolution (ODR platform) has been established. The ODR platform can be accessed at the following address: . Through the ODR platform, the consumer can consult the list of ADR bodies, find links to their respective websites, and initiate an online dispute resolution procedure in which they are involved.
21.4 Users residing in a European Union member state other than Italy may also access the European procedure for small claims disputes established by Regulation (EC) No 861/2007 of the Council of 11 July 2007, for any disputes related to the application, execution, and interpretation of these General Terms and Conditions, provided that the value of the dispute does not exceed €2,000.00, excluding interest, fees, and costs. The text of the regulation can be found at
21.5 In any case, the rights of Consumer users to bring the dispute arising from these General Terms and Conditions or the Contract before the competent ordinary court are reserved, regardless of the outcome of the out-of-court settlement procedure. Additionally, if the conditions are met, Consumer users have the option to seek an out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes through the procedures outlined in Part V, Title II-bis of the Consumer Code.