1976 an ichthyosaur fossil was discovered at Camponocecchio in Genga during
construction work on the tunnel along the state road between Ancona and
Fabriano. In 2006 the Speleo-Paleontological and Archaeological Museum of San
Vittore was set up to give the fossil a permanent home.
museum is laid out in three sections on three separate floors. An education
room on the lower floor is dedicated to speleology and contains models
illustrating the karst terrain in this area of Le Marche. Various speleology
techniques and equipment, and information about the flora and fauna that might
inhabit a typical cave are also presented in this section.
Info Point
Address Fraz. S. Vittore Terme, Genga AN
Phone +39 0732 90090
In the palaeontology section on the ground floor, pride of place is given to Marta, the ichthyosaur fossil. Also on display are other finds from the Frasassi gorge, as well as rocks, sediments and fossils that illustrate the geological history of the area.
Lastly, the archaeology section on the first floor covers the fundamental stages of human history, from prehistory up to the period just before the Roman era in the 3rd century BC. These archaeological finds include some noteworthy funerary urns from a Proto-Villanovan necropolis discovered at Pianello di Genga that date back to the Final Bronze Age.